December 23, 2023

Top Windows Alternatives for all tastes and needs in 2024

Windows alternatives

Windows is the go-to choice for most people when they think of an operating system. Its iconic interface, gaming capabilities, adaptability, and security have been a great solution for most, but not all. That’s why we will discuss 4 Windows alternatives for those looking for different approaches, solutions, and dynamics. 


Linux is a family of free and open-source operating systems that has been around since 1991, constantly improving and becoming a stronger contendant as a Windows alternative thanks to its versatility and many other attractive features.

Linux Pros

Open-source software: Thanks to its open-source nature, developers can review the source code and even contribute to its improvement. Users can modify the system to meet their needs. Among its customizable features, you can find the user interface, installation of custom applications, and other configurations to optimize its performance according to each user's use.

Security and privacy: Open-source products tend to be more secure because anyone can inspect them or change anything they want from them to eliminate whatever might be causing trouble. Linux is considered more secure than Windows due to its open-source nature, which results in easy auditability and improvement. It also has built-in solid security features and is less targeted by hackers.

Compatibility: Linux is known for having great support for backward compatibility. Making it easy for people to keep using older versions of their existing software without upgrading. 

Linux Cons

Limited software availability: While Linux has a vast collection of open-source software, it may have a less extensive range of commercial software than Windows. This can disadvantage users who require specific work or leisure activities applications.

Steeper learning curve: Despite becoming less of an issue with time, some people manifested that it might take some time to learn and adapt to Linux, its command line interface, and dynamics. Hopefully, this will become less of an issue over time, just like it’s been doing lately. In the meantime, this can be appeased by choosing a distribution that makes it easier and friendlier for beginners.

Limited Compatibility: Since Linux is not as widely spread as Windows, not many developers consider making their products compatible with Linux necessary. Leading to common incompatibilities with some specific apps and programs.

Less gaming support: We must recognize that Linux has made some impressive improvements in gaming. But it still is not a strong contender against Windows for gamers. Some users have experienced lag and other issues while using Linux for gaming.


While Linux is a great contendant, it might be a better option for those who are a little more tech-savvy to make the most of it. Nonetheless, it has slowly been working on being more friendly. So, it can be for anyone as long as the user finds the distribution that best suits their needs and level of Linux knowledge.


macOS is an operating system developed by Apple. It is the primary operating system for Apple's Mac computers. Its minimalistic and aesthetic interface, security, and many other features make it climb high in the ranking of most-used operating systems.

macOS Pros

Security: macOS is often touted for its high level of security and privacy features. One of the reasons is that it is Unix-based, making it more difficult to exploit. Besides, things like XProtect, Gatekeeper, constant updates, and app reviews are just some things Apple applies to make macOS safe.

Efficiency and performance: macOS is known for requiring less powerful hardware, making it more efficient when it comes to handling demanding tasks while using less powerful hardware.

Integrated Ecosystem: macOS allows your device to seamlessly integrate with other Apple devices and services, such as iPhone, iPad, and iCloud. Since the macOS Ventura’s release in 2022, you can control multiple app devices with one single mouse and keyboard. This feature might be appealing if you plan to own more Apple devices or already have any.

MacOS Cons

Less Customizability: Similarly with the hardware, some people may find macOS limiting in terms of customization since Apple restricts a lot of dynamics to avoid security issues.

Higher Cost: If you’re on a budget, you must be aware that Apple products are known for being not very budget-friendly. 

Limited Hardware Options: MacOS is only available on Apple’s hardware, making it more complicated and expensive to repair in case of damage, which can discourage people who like to build their own PCs.


macOS is an excellent option for those who are not as experimental with their operating system and are looking for a robust choice in terms of security, efficiency, and ease of use. Even better if you’re planning to purchase more Apple devices for a unified and streamlined user experience across all of them.

Chrome OS

Image taken from Chromebook

ChromeOS, developed by Google, is a Linux-based operating system initially designed for web applications and user data to reside in the cloud. It uses the Google Chrome web browser as its primary user interface. The operating system is designed to provide a modern and versatile experience.

Chrome OS Pros

Lightweight and fast: Chrome allows you to have a smooth and fast experience with web-based tasks. Things on a browser will tend to load way more quickly than in any other OS, especially if you use Chrome.

Battery optimization: By being so light, it gives an outstanding performance while extending the battery’s life. Allowing users to work for hours without worrying about having a socket nearby.  

User-friendly interface: Chrome OS interface looks and feels similar to Windows and Android. Which makes it very approachable and easy for new users to get used to. 

Chrome OS Cons

Limited offline functionality: While Chrome OS has improved much in its desktop functionalities, it still needs to improve compared to other OS. Making it still not the best option for those who work mostly offline.

Bugs: With the updates and more robust capacity Google aims to get, some issues have appeared lately. There are cases reported of apps crashing and other bugs on things that shouldn’t be a problem with what the software offers. Plus, it still presents some issues with apps native to other OS such as Windows.

Gaming Support: Since Chrome OS is intended mainly for web-based and mostly lightweight work, this OS is not ideal for gaming. In addition, it lacks compatibility by not being as commonly used as other OSs.


Chrome OS is a great choice for those looking for speed and do not intend to use too complex programs, apps, or games on their devices. As long as you maintain your use of it on the web, your experience will be optimal. 


You should also ask yourself what you will be using it for to understand what might be just fancy features that won’t be useful for you or if an OS is not robust enough for your needs.

When it comes to choosing an operative system, you must be aware of what you need to know which one is the best for you and always remember that there is no perfect operating system, but as long as you know what issues might come with one or the other, you can prepare or know with which you’ll be okay dealing. By choosing an operating system, you’re choosing its pros and cons, along with its future updates and changes. The more you learn about the OS you’re going for, the more it will serve you. But remember to always be curious and let yourself be surprised by the fantastic features and progress each OS can offer you.


Are there any more operating systems?

Yes, but the most popular are the ones we mentioned here. Plus, many Linux-based OSs have different approaches for different necessities. As long as you’re willing to learn how each works, you will find the one that best fits your wants and needs and will optimize your user experience.

Can I use more than one operating system in one device?

Yes, you can use more than one operating system in one device. This is also known as dual-booting or multi-booting. To do so, you must make “partitions” in your hardware. This simply means you have to divide your hardware to know what portion will be controlled by which OS. Do some research, check compatibility and license agreements, and be aware that this can also bring drawbacks. 

What should I consider when choosing an OS?

Some of the things you should consider when choosing an operating system are:

  • Cost, cost-effectiveness to your case, and licensing terms.
  • Reliability of performance.
  • Hardware and Software compatibility.
  • User interface and customization.
  • Preferred ecosystem integration.